yii1-redis-cluster redis cluster extension for yii1.1

yii1-redis-cluster ¶

  1. Installation
  2. Setting up the extension
  3. Basic Usage

================================ redis cluster extension for yii1.1

Installation ¶

The preferred way to install this extension is through https://github.com/king52311/yii1-redis-cluster

Setting up the extension ¶

In order to use the extension you first need to set it up. The first thing to do is to download the source code and place it somewhere accessible within your applications structure, I have chosen protected/extensions/redisCluster.

Once you have the source code in place you need to edit your main.php configuration file (console.php will need modifying too if you intend to use this extension in the console) with the following type of configuration:

'import' => array(


connect redis time out config

'redis_conn_timeout' => 2,

redis servers config

'config_redis_servers' => array(
                'redis_1' => array(
                    'host' => '',
                    'port' => '6379',
                    'auth' => '123123',
                    'db' => 1,
				'redis_2' => array(
                    'host' => '',
                    'port' => '6379',
                    'auth' => '123123',
                    'db' => 1,

redis queues config

        'queue_default' => array(
            'limit' => 0
        'queue_sms' => array(
            'limit' => 0

Basic Usage ¶

public static function example()
        $hashName = REDIS_HASH_KEY;
        $redis = new RedisDB();
        return $redis->hGetAll($hashName);

Here's how to send a task into queue:

     * @param $type ;http_post,http_get,class
     * @queueName string
     * @url string
     * @params array
     * @return boolen
    public static function registerQueue($type, $queueName, $url, $params)
        $callback = array(
            'type' => $type,
            'queue' => $queueName,
            'url' => $url,
            'params' => $params,
            //'timestamp' => $timestamp,
        $queue = new RedisQueue($queueName);
        $ret = $queue->putin($callback, $queueName);
        if (!is_int($ret)) {
            return FALSE;
        } else {
            return TRUE;


Here's how to send a timed task into queue:

     * @param $type ;http_post,http_get,class
     * @queueName string
     * @url string
     * @params array
     * @return boolen
    public static function registerSchedule($type, $queueName, $url, $params, $timestamp)
        $callback = array(
            'type' => $type,
            'queue' => $queueName,
            'url' => $url,
            'params' => $params,
            'timestamp' => $timestamp,
        //$queue = new RedisSchedule();
        //$ret = $queue->putin($callback,$queueName);
        $queue = new RedisQueue($queueName);
        $res = $queue->putin($callback, $queueName);
        if (!is_int($res)) {
            return FALSE;
        } else {
            return TRUE;


Here's how to receive task from queue

public function actionWorker($queue = 'default') {
        if (!$this->redisqueue->exists($queue)) {
            echo "\n" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "---Not found the name of " . $queue . " queue.\n";

        $timestamp = time();
        $quit_time = rand(5, 10) * 60;

        $i = 0;
        while (true) {
            if (time() - $timestamp > $quit_time) {
                echo "\n" . "the worker over max times {$i} or over define process time: runed {$quit_time}s\n";
            } else {
                $task = $this->redisqueue->getit($queue);
                if (!empty($task)) {
                    echo '[NOTICE] ' . sprintf(time() . " Call %s [type=%s] [params=%s]\n", __FUNCTION__, $task['type'], json_encode($task));
                    $result = $this->queue_run($task);
                    echo '[RESULT] ' . json_encode($result) . "\n";
                } else {
                    //echo time() ." blpop timeout,execute {$i}" . "\n";

Here's how to receive timed task from queue

public function actionSchedule($queue = 'default') {
        if (!$this->redisschedule->exists($queue)) {
            echo "\n" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "---Not found the schedule name of " . $queue . ".\n";

        $timestamp = time();
        $quit_time = rand(5, 10) * 60;

        $i = 1;
        while (true) {
            if (time() - $timestamp > $quit_time) {
                //echo "\n"."the worker over max times {$i} or over define process time: runed {$quit_time}s\n";
            } else {
                $tasks = $this->redisschedule->getit($queue);
                if ($tasks) {
                    foreach ($tasks as $key => $schedule_task) {
                        if (!$schedule_task) {
                            $schedule_task = $this->redisdb->get($key);

                        echo '[NOTICE] ' . sprintf(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " Schedule Task [%s] [task=%s]\n", __FUNCTION__, $schedule_task);

                        $task = json_decode($schedule_task, true);

                        if (!isset($task['queue'])) {
                            $task_queue = QUEUE_DEFAULT;
                        } else {
                            $task_queue = $task['queue'];


                        $result = $this->redisqueue->putin($task, $task_queue);
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1 follower
Yii Version: 1.1
License: LGPL-3.0
Category: Caching
Developed by: sunnday
Created on: May 25, 2017
Last updated: 3 years ago