execut/yii2-javascript-handler Javascript error handler for Yii2

yii2-javascript-handler ¶

Javascript error handler for Yii2

Install ¶

Either run

$ php composer.phar require execut/yii2-javascript-handler "dev-master"

or add

"execut/yii2-javascript-handler": "dev-master"

to the `require` section of your composer.json file.

Configuration ¶

Add module inside web application config: `php return [

'modules' => [
    'javascriptHandler' => [
        'class' => Module::class,

]; `

Render widget inside your application layout: `php echo \execut\javascriptHandler\JavascriptHandlerWidget::widget([

'clientOptions' => [
    'test' => true,// delete this line for stopping sending a test exception

]); `

As a result, all javascript exceptions will throw php exceptions, that will be handled via yii2 error handler